Simulating elections

I consider it completely unimportant who in the party will vote, or how; but what is extraordinarily important is this — who will count the votes, and how. - Stalin

This is the political coordinate system. While a crude model to depict real politics, it will suffice for our simulations. Each person's political views are represented by a position in the coordinate system. This applies to voters and candidates.
Start by drawing voters and candidates by clicking at the position, or generate random people. You can use a preset instead of drawing to get differing results. Every voter wants to vote for the candidate that has the closest distance to them. Try out different voting systems by clicking on the appropriate buttons. With different electoral systems, the same results may be interpreted to result in different winners.

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Add points: Voters and candidates


This system assumes that each voter votes exactly for the candidate that is closest to their positions. It also assumes that voters fill out ballots with all possible alternatives.